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My Life Has Changed.

So much has change in the past couple of months..

Where do I start ? Okay, so starting in June I went through a bad breakup with

someone that I really loved and he took my focus away from doing what at the time I

was annoyed with doing... Blogging.

We ended up breaking up because of trust issues, lies, and for secrets being kept.

Most were on my part but I had and still have reasons for keeping secrets about my life because I don't open up to people easily.

Moving forward....

My mother had a weight loss surgery (Gastric Sleeve), I was already skeptical about her having it

because of the potential risks of the surgery. So all the the while I am dreading the day of the surgery, we wake up at 5 am pack our bags and head to the hospital. As soon as we get there they tell her they're ready for the surgery to start. Meanwhile, I'm praying everything goes well.

They took her back about 6:30 am and the nurse comes back out at about 7:40-8:00 saying she's done and that surprised the HELL out of me and my entire family. So we stay at the hospital for 2 days and then we head home, I could tell something was not right but I ignored it and thought it was the medicine... but it wasn't. Turns out she.... cant disclose any information about what's going on because we may have a lawsuit pending.

Needless to say, Me and my sister have been by her side everyday & it's been a lot but we're not giving up because we believe in GOD and that He will bring us through this.

Moving forward... again

I'm just filling you in on everything that has been going on since I've been away.

So, I ended up in another "relationship" with someone I totally regret

EVER talking to. Not saying any names but you guys probably know if you follow me on TWITTER

but any who, we broke up & nothing but turmoil has come from that toxic, sick, disgusting, and an abomination of a "relationship". Since then I've found someone better.

In the mist of all the things going on in my life, I missed my websites 1 year anniversary, I just noticed it yesterday :(


I simply want to end this post by saying, change is important. It shows you what's really important in life. It makes you put things into perspective. Change is inevitable. Don't be afraid of it.


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