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After The Madness... #WORKOUT

Hey Guys...

It's after Thanksgiving and you know you over stuffed your system with the delicious turkey and dressing. I dread eating and then looking at the scale later on. I'm here to help you get back on track and drop those LBS. I always end my weekend with a nice body cleansing liquid laxative, then the next morning it goes DOWN !

Monday Morning-

Monday is the hardest day for me to wake up and get started with my workout. Since I hate Monday's so much, why not do something that I hate ?

35 Minute treadmill run

( Run for 3 minutes and then take a 3 minute break)

60 Squats in-between the treadmill run and then end my workout with a nice refreshing healthy shake.

Tuesday Morning-

Tuesday is when I work on my abs HARD CORE !!!

I go super hard on my abs and I don't stop till my abs are on FUCKING FIRE !!!

It feels like hell but the results are what makes it worth the while. Then I go extra hard with 225 squats and kill my glutes. I love to feel the pain when I workout but don't over do it, if you can't take it.

Wednesday Morning-

We go in with a Banded 4x4 Walk and then a Banded 4x4 Leg Switch. (A). From the starting position, imagine you're creating a large square: Step your right foot out to the right side (B), followed by your left foot, keeping tension in the band the entire time; continue 20 to 30 steps. Then step your left foot forward (C), followed by your right (D); repeat for 20 to 30 steps. Finally, take 20 to 30 steps to the left; then 20 to 30 steps backward (you should be back at your starting point).

Then OVERHEAD CRUNCH TO ROTATION: Lie on the floor, knees bent, holding a medicine ball overhead (A). Keeping your arms straight and core tight, raise the ball over your knees(B). Lower back to start. That's one rep. Do 10; on the next rep, raise the ball and rotate to lower it outside your right hip (C). Reverse to return to start. Repeat on the left; continue alternating for 20 total reps.

Thursday Morning-

We start off with: RENEGADE ROW TO MOUNTAIN CLIMBER: Get into a push-up position with your hands resting on dumbbells and feet slightly more than hip-width apart, your body forming a straight line from head to heels (A). Brace your core as you pull one weight toward the side of your chest (B). Pause, then slowly lower the weight. That's one rep. Repeat on the other side, and continue alternating for eight to 12 reps. Then return to the starting position and raise your right knee toward your chest (C). Lower and repeat with your left leg. Continue alternating for 20 to 30 reps.

Lastly, REVERSE LUNGE TO PRESS WITH HIGH KNEE : Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height, elbows bent and palms facing forward (A). Step your left leg back and bend both knees to lower your body into a lunge (B). In one motion, press through your right heel to stand, raising your left knee in front of you to hip height and pressing the weights directly overhead (C). Pause, then lower back to start. That's one rep. Repeat on the other side, then continue alternating for 10 to 16 reps.


I repeat everything I did for the week on Friday skipping the 35 minute treadmill run. I don't really workout that hard on Saturday or Sunday but I still try to o something light and quick because I'm mainly the busiest on the Weekends.

I hope get back in to shape and if my trainer explaining everything did't work.. here's a picture:

Yes, I follow after the workout Queen herself, Khloe Kardashian <3


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