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Encouraging today's Youth for tomorrows Excellence !

As I sat in my bed watching crappy TV shows and scrolling through every social media site I realized... We don't have anyone encouraging TODAY'S youth... Maybe I can be that voice and in no way, shape, or form am I a motivational speaker but I am determined to reach out and encourage someone, anyone out there that is in need of being encouraged.

A lot of us have dreams that we are afraid to tell people about because we're scared that they're gonna judge or bully us. Don't worry about them, once you work hard and make your dreams a reality their opinion will not matter.. their opinion never mattered ti begin with. As Steve Harvey said on his show one day... To be SUCCESSFUL you're going to have to jump (Sounds weird huh ?). The meaning I got from that was you can't be afraid to go out there and live life to the possible fullest you can... you don't have a lot of time.

I want to encourage someone to go out and make their dreams a reality. It's going to be hard but believe me, it's worth the while. Some people will laugh at your dream and some people will be there to support your dream... you just have to believe in yourself and prove the "That's never gonna work" people wrong. There are people that are doing the ordinary but making more than the ordinary would make because they believed in their passion, kept their head up high, and made it work.

As I quote from Steve Harvey and the Bible: Your Bible says that your gift will make room for you. Not your education. You go get your education…that’s nice but if you don’t use your gift…that education is only going to take you so far. I know a lot of people that got degrees man…that they’re not even using.

But the only way that you can soar ? You got to jump. You have to jump off that cliff and pull that cord. That gift opens and provides the soar. If you don’t ever use your gift..your just going to go to work. If you’re getting up everyday to go to a job that you hate going to..that ain’t living man…you’re just existing.

And that my friends is why I look up to Steve Harvey so much... He's such an encouragement !!! I hope that this encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and to do the UNordinary. JUMP MY FRIENDS !!!!


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