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Coming Out...

Hey Guys & Gals,

For me it was relatively easy because I have a really great mom and because most of my family members could already tell (IDK HOW? ). But some of you guys may be stressed out about whether or not your parents and loved when will accept you... most of the time they won't and believe me THAT's OKAY. It may hurt like hell to have someone you really love not support you when you need it the most, but after a while you'll get over it and move on.

Don't dwell on what people think of you. If you sit there dwelling on what others will say of you, then you're just wasting your life away. Someone is always going to have an opinion.Once I told my mom that I was GAY it felt like the world was lifted off of my shoulders and it made me so confident and so much more open... Now sometimes my mom slips up and goes a little to far but in the end she comes back and apologizes for saying things she didn't mean. It be like that sometimes, ya know ?

Moral of the story is... WAIT until you're ready. Don't feel like you are disappointing anyone because you're just living in your purpose and living your life. It takes a lot of courage and I know you guys have it. Continue to be great and continue to do great things.


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