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Real Friends !!!

Ahhhh, the people that swear they're your REAL friend(s) are the ones that are going to be the farthest from REAL ! Your real friends are the ones that are going to be there for you through the thick and thin, the ones that are there when times get tough and your head is in-between your legs (weird analogy), the ones that stand by you even the world is against you.

My best friend is someone I tell EVERYTHING to and we always talk about everything. I actually haven't seen her since 2014 !!! We've both been super busy with school and other teenage things but we talk everyday and to make things even more crazy, we were born on the same exact DAY !!! March 22nd ! So you know we are EXTREMELY close and we tell each other everything. She was the first person to know that I was gay, when all of our other classmates assumed that I was gay she was the only on that knew... not even my mom knew.... REAL FRIEND.

She's the only one I talk to every single day lol. She's the best person anyone can ask for and she graduated... I'm so excited for her. I knew from day one when she walked in that classroom & I gave her that side eye with a slick roll that she was going to be my ace ! We've had our arguments... what true friends don't ? But guess what we stuck through it. Boys tried to break us apart... we still together lol (insider). Love you T !

Saying all of this to say... Know who your friends are and always cherish them forever. There are going to be some good and bad days but if you guys are really meant to be the best of friends, you will always find a way to bring that bond back together <3

xoxo, DeQuanForever.

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